Last updated: May 25th, 2024
Jacquie et Michel gives you all things amateur. This porn tube site features no professionally filmed content whatsoever. So, if amateurs are what you’re looking for, they are one of the best choices. More than that, anyone can upload their photos or videos which means there’s always something new to watch. Their galleries are rich in amateur porn pictures and videos of naughty girls or horny couples. They even have contests every month where you can take a look at the participants and vote for your favorites. Girls go above and beyond trying to win this one which means there’s a ton of spicy content to look at.
Considering this is a French site, the majority are French amateur girls. However, that doesn’t mean chicks from all over the world don’t upload their pics to be seen and rated. Apart from regular photos and videos, Jacquie et Michel also features a blog full of even more sexy content. And it is for those who are into literary erotica of all sorts. The registration is free and anyone can join. There’s also the option of paying a small amount. It gives you a couple of nifty perks, but that’s not mandatory to have fun.
We love American porn, and no one can take that away from us. But why not sometimes experiment a bit, try something else? Asian lolitas are also very popular, Latina bombshells are insanely tempting and we are into them. But today letโs talk about European skanks who are more than beautiful… French eye candies! Black and white sex bombs! Jacquie et Michel is abundant in babes of different races who all come from France. Furthermore, all these hotties are amateurs!. You like homemade porn more than fake and theatrical highly staged hardcore erotica? Well, then give these two dudes a chance and youโll love it!
Why do we like amateur content so much? Probably because we know that all these sugars are actually slutty and they like fucking for the sake of fucking. Thatโs what drives us insane โ they are genuine and sexually open. So they donโt mind having sex and being filmed doing it, even though itโs not their career. They are just sexy and horny, willing to share their dirtiest fantasies with us. We appreciate it, and Jacquie et Michel know how much we love this shit.
This is a site of French beauties, and here you will find decent looking to alluring girls. When we are dealing with homemade porn, sometimes the babes are simply not ravishing, at least not like professional sluts who were picked among many. But here on Jacquie et Michel, you do get to see seductive darlings, and they are all at dick hungry and cum-thirsty. Here you will see tempting scenes you will never be able to forget, both of solo performances and lustful twoways. The babes here like dicks more than anything, and they eagerly show us what they do with them.
Jacquie et Michel is not a site like many others. They are a bit peculiar, but be patient and you will learn why. Letโs start with this โ here they added a social component. This is not just a site where you can comment and rate videos, pick your favs and upload your own shit. Yes, you can do all that, but you can do more. For example, you can actually pick the hottest chicks, if you like to take part in contests. You can be one of these babes and compete yourself.
What we like about Jacquie et Michel is that they let people have sexy deep interactions with other porn lovers like them. Only a few sites actually combine what we love about porn with everything we want from a community. We like a site with a good social media twist, sites where we can participate and feel relevant. Here we can produce and share our own homemade porn. We can become a star of this community, but even if we are too inhibited for something like that, at least we can make others stars.
Because of all the juicy items this site offers, you have probably heard of Jacquie et Michel before. Those who are regulars and exploit the adult entertainment content from all sorts of sites all the time must know this name… Well, these names. These are two fellas, not one. Perhaps this site is not as popular as Brazzers in America, but they are one of the biggest names regarding the French porn industry. This is not just an online porn community. When we talk about them, you should know this is the hallmark of an adult lifestyle. Thatโs why you must learn more about these guys.
Jacquie et Michel company was born in 1999 after a teacher from Toulouse named Michel used his knowledge of webmastery to create people a portal so that people can exchange as many libertine photos as they want. With the advancement of the internet, Michel was able to go further to expand his porn community, and in 2007 it all accelerated. Jacquie et Michel as a site was launched, allowing the brand to gain importance and visibility. From then on, the company continued to grow, always having a hot vision of the future.
In addition to offering us not just a lot of hot amateur photo exchange, but also an online community, and a site abundant in erotic videos, Jacquie et Michel team also produces their own professional chic porn (known as Jacquie and Michel Elite). They offer us a live cam service (called Jacquie et Michel Vision), and they produce their own immersive virtual reality porn (this is known as Jacquie and Michel Immersion). They publish an adult magazine and have an online publication as well, and they offer a social network and a dating site (Jacquie and Michel Contact). Also, they organize parties (J&M Tour), develop porn games, have several physical stores, as well as an online sales site. As you can see, these bitches are no joke!
Today, however, we will just take a look at the classic Jacquie et Michel site. This branch of the Jacquie et Michel empire works in four ways. The first one is an amateur porn site. The second is an online community. The third one is a social network. And the last one is a collection of user blogs. There is a lot to do on this site other than just sit and jerk off. You can do that, of course, but then you can stay on the site and do other things as well. Feel free to also stay on and chat with other users after you’ve drained yourself completely.
As soon as you land on Jacquie et Michel’s homepage, you’ll immediately notice that it doesn’t look like the majority of other porn sites. There is something that makes it different. Is it because you have so many choices? That’s right, there is a lot to do here, but the site doesn’t appear to be overloaded like a lot of other porn sites. Everything is perfectly in its place.
At the top of the page you have the beautiful banner with the Jacquie et Michel logo placed at the upper left corner, while on the right side you have a search bar for any keywords you can think of. Directly under the banner, you have a menu that allows you to navigate the whole site. Feel free to choose from photos, videos, contests of the month, cams, blogs, contributors close to you, Q plans, etc.
Under their menu you will see a selection of members who are close to you (which should theoretically help you find a fuck buddy). Then you have a bunch of thumbnails, all sorted by sections, amateur trends, your photo albums (selected for you), popular videos, your videos, and popular (blog) articles. On the left side of the thumbnails you have photos, blog posts and videos. On the right you have a chatbox that will allow you to chat with other members of Jacquie et Michel, which really reinforces the feeling of community and solidarity for which the site is known.
We really like the different things that we can do on the site. It transcends porn. Contests are a fun and interesting way to not only get people involved, but also make members feel connected to the site and to others. The competition rewards include various items from the Jacquie et Michel boutique, things like lubricants, heels, a vibrating egg, lingerie, dildos, sweaters, T-shirts, a sexy thimble and many more. These are all the goodies that can motivate people get naked and show off their sexy bodies. It is a very cool site when we take everything into consideration.