Last updated: January 9th, 2025There’s a sleek website, minimalist and neatWith sex clips so great, they can’t be beatenEach girls on screen – she’s a knockoutHer beauty leaves you breathless, without a doubt Simple design, yet it’s bursting with styleWatching these sex clips makes you dick smileSo log on, my friend, and prepare to be... [DaftPorn full review]
Last updated: January 10th, 2025A real chest of dirty treasureReady for the ultimate pleasure?Master Wanker is your placeIf you like jizz on a babe’s face Links and pics and sluts so manyYou’ve got horny pussies – plenty!Read my review, check it outSee what this thing’s all about! If you’re looking for some neat, funny... [MasterWanker full review]
Last updated: January 10th, 2025BigCocker is so much funYou will want to grab your gunLet me see bullets of creamIt’s so good you’re gonna scream! It’s a funny free porn siteMany pink cunts – take a bite!The design is a bit datedBut I know you’ll be elated! A website with the name “BigCocker” is... [BigCocker full review]
Last updated: January 10th, 2025So much orange and some yellowCheck out Humoron, my fellow!Free porn, links and texty partsThis place will steal all your hearts! It’s a porn site a bit funnyI know you will love it, bunny!Come on sugar, check it nowIt’s something I will allow Humoron is a nice porn site that... [Humoron full review]
Last updated: January 10th, 2025Are you ready for a shoosh?Grab that little horny bushMaybe you’re not hairy, thoughTo this site you don’t say no! Porn is free and you have plentyOh, my brother, cunts so many!They are pink and horny, friendsMy erection never ends! If there’s anything that you can expect from ShooshTime, that’s... [ShooshTime full review]
Porn is not only a serious business! Crazy stuff happens all the time at the shootings, and you won’t believe the absurdity of it. For instance, massive dildos get stuck in the ass. Or people are making funny noises while they are coming. Also, a few unlucky girls may be performing for the webcam at the moment when their dads come along! It might not be funny for the protagonists, but you’ll die laughing. There are literally hundreds of these moments which will show you the funny side of porn! It’s like America’s Funniest Home Videos, but more genuine and definitely not family-friendly!
We know that you like porn because you can always rely on it when you want to cum and relieve all the stress daily life obligations impose on us. But seeing these funny and adorable anecdotes sometimes might be what you need even more. There is a reason why these funny porn sites exist – why wouldn’t people also laugh while they are doing something serious like jacking off and touching themselves? We know the combo is a bit peculiar, but it gets many people going.
Both men and women enjoy looking at these funny and erotic pics and watching videos that are hilarious, but still kind of hot. And what makes them so humorous? It could be the fact that nothing here is really orchestrated and planned. Most things that happen to our video stars are spontaneous. So you literally get to see the embarrassments of others or things that don’t often happen in normal life. Sure, everyday life is also full of anecdotes. But not as many sex-related ones. So, if this makes you a bit curious, let’s see what do we have here!
As you can see, this page has only several of them. But it doesn’t mean there are not a bunch of them all over the internet. Here we named the ones we like the most. So we advise you to check them all out. However, you can find more if you do research. People don’t search these sites as much as they search other categories. Certainly, it doesn’t mean they are not popular. In fact, many like to sit back and relax while watching these unique hilarious vids.
Have you ever seen MasterWanker or BigCocker? The latter one is a site with only well-endowed fellas, but it offers great content. You can see big black cocks of all nationalities. Chicks really dig that, and we know that size can matter a lot. There is no single lady here who never had a chance to experience the Big O, since these dudes are remarkable fuckers. And if you visit Daftporn, you will be able to dive in plenty of vids and pictures. There might not be categories here, but you will still find funny and sexy content.
Since these are funny porn sites, don’t expect hardcore sex and BDSM content, which many other sites offer, especially the ones concerned with this category only. Also, you will see mainly amateurs in action, and the clips are not of HD quality (but they aren’t bad either). Still, these sites know how to do something others don’t – they make you laugh out loud. You will laugh so much that your jaw and stomach will hurt. You will also see adorable girls and dudes, with dozens of movies to choose from. Even though there is not much of hardcore action, there are other sections, like incest sex or inappropriate step-family members fucking.
For some reason, this perfect blend of funny and erotic is very catchy, and if you think about it, it is phenomenal! You get everything you get from regular porn, with the addition of the funny parts. Even the most serious people of the world would burst into laughter after seeing this content! So, if you are new to this, you can see these sites that we suggest. Even though there are many of them, we find these ones the funniest and they are excellent for everyone.
When you learn that all these sites are free, you will like them even more. No matter how much time you want to spend on a site like this, know that you can do it without paying a buck. But they don’t really come with premium features and bonuses people like so much. For example, since everything is free, you don’t get to enjoy a lot of 4K vids or similar. This shouldn’t be a big problem, though. After all, many free tubes don’t have remarkable features, but we still love them and they have a special place in our hearts.
And what makes these sites more interesting and attractive? While most other sites aim at only helping you achieve orgasm after some persistent jerking off, these sites have a bonus – they can be hysterical. Nothing about them is ordinary, especially not the content. It is authentic and we like it. Even though the sites are full of funny embarrassments that must be seen, they can still help you reach your jacking-off culmination. All this makes them must-see. So you should start exploring them today, with the help of our several suggestions.
Funny porn sites might not be as popular as VR porn or regular premium sites or free tubes with a bunch of porn clips with professional and amateur performers. However, you must admit one thing – they are worth exploring. This is a completely different side of porn that anyone should turn to from time to time to relax and have a lot of fun. You don’t really get to see these things in your everyday life. So check these sites out and laugh at these protagonists as much as we do. Once you see how adorable they are, you will get hooked!