Last updated: January 10th, 2025
When you enter a great free porn tube, you mostly see hot cool video titles like Teen Bitch Fucked in the Face, Naughty Milf Has Her Pussy Dicked, Luscious Latina Likes Titty Fuckingβ¦ This will happen to you when you go to Sluttyrat. This is a free porn tube, which means you will find many steamy short clips, but these are all free videos. It’s a tube, so don’t expect premium full-length movies, as you can find on paysites. But this is still a great site and it deserves to be reviewed, so I am going to talk more about it now.
Sluttyrat is a site where you can go if you want to see wild, lusty milfs and teens fucking as their life depends on it! It’s a free porn site filled with delicious ladies, who just want to suck dicks for the camera. You will like it! They get undressed and dirty, shamelessly taking as much man-meat as they can handle. This is a very simple site that has everything you need, from a cool-looking design and a functional interface to awesome sex clips you will find handy when you go horny and feel like fapping. But what else makes this site worth your while?
The very first thing you need to know about this site is that it is a free HD porn tube. Even though these clips are short and we all like them much longer, at least you know that these xxx videos are high-quality, so they are not grainy and hard to watch, like on some other free tubes. It is not that common today for a free tube to actually offer HD videos, but it is becoming more and more normal for these sites because it’s freaking 2021 and who still uploads grainy low-quality videos? Even my grandma has an iPhone, and her videos are super-high and ultra HD!
The very first thing I like about this site called Sluttyrat is what I get when I visit it. I can see delicious bimbos right away, naked and ready to get pounded, in heels or in skimpy outfits, long-haired, super-cute, simply stunning. These are pornstars and not amateurs in homemade videos. This means everything here is professional, and these babes know what they are doing. And what do you prefer, anyway? Super-sexy pornstars who suck so many dicks they get highly skilled to give the best blowjobs ever, or amateurs who are porn diva wannabes?
To be honest, I like both! Sometimes I just want these luscious porn divas who know what their job is and they are doing it so well we drop our jaws from pure amazement. Other times I feel more like homemade clips, with average-looking babes, but sexy enough because let’s face it β what naked babe isn’t sexy? Amateurs are interesting for one reason, pornstars for another. Every niche brings something unique to the table, and why not explore both of these worlds? Isn’t that the beauty of porn? It’s diverse and perfect, so we have a little bit of everything.
This is a gorgeous free porn site with free videos and short clips that are actually excerpts from premium sites. It looks very elegant and professional, but nothing gaudy or pretentious β it’s rather simple and practical. They used light colors and they even have a cute rat logo that makes the site look adorable. But I guess this is not what you are interested in. Is the site easy to use, with all the navigation tools you need? Yes! Nothing here is complicated and you will find things easily.
They have 5 menu items β hottest, latest, top, tags, and blog. You will also see an orange button here that says Fuck Now! If you click on it, you will visit a site called Dirty Tinder. Fuck yeah! You can meet slutty naked bombshells who will fuck you for not much. I don’t really have time to investigate further and check out if the site is a scam or not, but it looks legit. But let’s not analyze this corner, we should stick to Sluttyrat because this review is devoted to this free HD porn site.
I don’t really know how many videos you will find on Sluttyrat, but I do see there are many pages, and each has a lot of hot-looking thumbnails. The bottom of the page is reserved for a short About us text, which pretty much tries to sell you the place as much as possible. I mean, all these admins will say pretty much similar things, but these folks brag about giving you good porn, and even more good porn. Ok, sure, this porn is great, but I don’t think they excel where other free porn tubes don’t (this is what they say β their words, not my!)
Sluttyrat doesn’t really have many navigation tools, which is a good thing β why be confused and baffled with too many links and items? You have all the basics, and these basics are the content that you need, grouped into 5 tabs. The first tab is ‘hottest’. If you click on this button, what will you get? Lots of fucking thumbnails that look too damn hot! I was pleasantly surprised to see that these folks don’t only have short clips β they also have 30-minute free videos with the most luscious bimbos ever!
I think some of these sluts are amateurs, but all the vids look professional. Quarantine sex with a huge ass Latinaβ¦ Sounds delicious! Feel like opening it β I see a lot of juicy things here! It’s a seven-minute vid of a stunning chocolate-haired bimbo having her large ass penetrated. The way her butt cheeks bounce as she is getting ass-drilled β perfection! I am fucking loving this! And I need more! I open Skinny College Girl Public Sexβ¦ and what do I find? A gorgeous lusty young babe fucking in public, with a lot of passion. This site is a bomb!
Now, the latest flicksβ¦ Or, well, parts of flicks. Whatever. I see some 12 and 20-minute videos, so they are not really all short and unsatisfying. I do want to see Quinn Wilde cheating in purple stockings, or a lusty fella sharing his babe in a wild passionate three-way! To be honest, I don’t know if this section is hotter than ‘hottest’ β they both look equally satisfying, with succulent pussies getting dicked like there is no tomorrow. What would you do if there was no tomorrow? I think I would spend the entire day on this new hot interesting find! I love Sluttyrat so far!
Sluttyrat is not just any free porn site with free videos and awesome short clips. This platform also has a blog! But it’s not one of those boring, dull blogs where you have text articles full of redundant information. Here you will find the best nudes of famous sluts like Nicole Aniston, Riley Reid, Abella Danger, and so on. At this moment, these hotties are the first few posts on the blog, and they don’t really have many of them. Still, this is gold and you should check it out!
Tags is actually a very rich page where you can find all tags we all like. Two girls threesomes, 4k videos, amateur sluts, pornstars, balls, banana (yes, babes who use bananas instead of dildos), and so on. I actually like how they tried to include as many tags as they could remember, so there is a little bit of something for everyone. How do they even make these tags? Do they watch the videos, and then come up with these phrases? Or do they come up with tags, and they find videos that belong to this group?
The ‘Top’ tab is a lot like ‘latest’ and ‘hottest’. You will find delicious videos that last for a couple of minutes or more, and you have similar situations here. Students with pierced nipples get fucked, young bimbos receive dicks in all holes, sluts have their throats dicked deep, and so on. To be honest, I don’t even know where I want to spend most of my time. Should I spend it exploring this top, latest or hottest section? Everything here is rich and juicy, with so many gorgeous babes fucked just how we like it.
There is no member section.
What else do I have to say about this site? As you can see, it’s a very rich site with a lot of great HD xxx movies. Some of these videos are short, just excerpts, and others last longer β enough that you can enjoy a nice steamy fap sesh! This is a free porn site, and nothing here is premium, which is perfect when you see there aren’t many ads here! Sometimes they pop up, but it’s a joke, really. I think you will like SluttyRat a lot!