Last updated: January 10th, 2025
Fapxl is a simple place
Where chicks get jizz on a face
Everything is here for you
So much content you can view!
Some clips are old, some are new
They have tags more than a few
Itβs a site for me and you
I know you will love it, ooh!
Fapxl is one of the simplest porn tube sites you’ll ever find, and that is a great thing about it. The main page is clean, as it shows you the latest videos. This location focuses on free videos of premium quality, so don’t come here, expecting anything less. From there, you can easily browse the content by different criteria β such are best rated, most-watched, and most discussed. We suggest top picks as your starting point. We also love that thumbnails feature not only the length of the clip but are also animated. That means that you will get an idea if it’s worthy of clicking or not.
If you want to browse by categories, you’ll have to scroll a bit below, but you can also do a manual search. As for the player, it works well, but you can also skip it and download the video. For that option, you will need to sign up, but since it’s free and it doesn’t require your credit card number, there is no reason not to do it. Finally, registering will also give you the ability to upload your videos. There is more than one reason to visit this place, so do it.
When you enter the site, you will see that it is well-put-together, perfectly organized and everything is in its order. The layout looks nice, and nothing here looks too much. It’s not trashy, flashy, no too many links that will confuse you, nothing distracting or just irritating. I like how at the very beginning of your visit, you can choose if you want straight, gay, or shemale porn. This is not something most sites give us, so it is praiseworthy. So, what do you want to see? I will talk about all of it.
The site pretty much promises what every other porn site does β a lot of free smutty videos for our lustful eyes to feast on. And does it give it to us? Definitely! Channels we like, pornstars we like, a nice organization β it gives us what we need and much more.But what porn is the best here? Gay porn? Shemale porn?
I can see right away that the videos here come from professional studios we all like a lot. So, the videos are not exclusive, but why not still enjoy them. After all, they are great! If they come from famous studios we like, they can’t be just a pile of shit. Who doesn’t like Brazzers? What about Love Home Porn, or Tiny 4K? These are the sites that are all good, and FapXL takes content from them. We already know these studios produce only high-quality flicks, not just regarding the resolution but regarding everything.
So, can you find HD videos here? Absolutely! You have at least 720p videos, and today we know this is enough. Not everyone has a good Internet connection, and sometimes you don’t even need more than 720p, or it wouldn’t load quickly. Now, I don’t know if all videos here are HD, but I would say most of them are because they only take from high-quality sites. I also don’t know the number of these videos, but frankly, I think it’s not a small one. It looks to me that you have plenty of content to enjoy here, and everything is so easy to find.
The navigation of FapXL is something you will appreciate. Everything is at your disposal, with a menu bar and all these handy sorting options. The menu bar at the top contains several items β porn for different sex preferences, and you will see the upload videos button, which you can use if you create your account here. It is free and super-easy, and it only takes a few seconds. But once you do have your own profile here, you can chat with users, comment on videos, and even earn money if you upload something good! Interested? It sounds enticing, no?
You have a button for new videos, top picks, most discussed, best rated, most-watched, and currently playing videos. This is how you can sort the content, but when you start scrolling down, you will see videos are organized by sections β straight, gay, and shemale. Every video has a title, duration, and rating info, which can all be helpful. From what I see, the clips are short, but this is not surprising since they take them from other sites. Since they don’t have exclusive videos, don’t expect full-length scenes.
Below all the thumbnails, you have Channels, and every section (straight, gay, and shemale) has a number of tags. So, you can choose whatever you want to see β amateur content, Asians, ass videos, blowjobs, big tits, ebony hottiesβ¦ But you will see this yourself, I don’t need to give you all the details. I see they have all the basics and the most popular categories are included, and I even see ‘fetish’ for those with a certain kink. I think they have something for everyone, and no matter if you are straight or gay, you have all these tags that will help you find what you like the most.
Top picks are probably the juiciest videos here, and if you click on this button, you will see some very interesting titles. You have arousing redheads who play with their cunts, slutty brunettes who toy with their twats outdoors shamelessly, blonde pornstars who spread their legs and have fun with their fingersβ¦ The titles are short and very straightforward, so you will see what you need to see to decide if you are interested to open the video. The thumbnails are animated, but they don’t have previews β images start flashing, showing you the best parts of videos.
I was also interested in opening the most discussed videos, and these are the ones with the most comments, and there must be a reason so many people felt like talking about them. I do see very enticing thumbnails with hot titles, and many sexy babes who are naked and ready to get nasty. But I only see 20 videos here, and there are no multiple pages, and I am not sure if this means they only have 20 videos that are the most discussed? If that is the case, this number is really small and I wish there were more clips.
The search engine is not advanced, though. If you type more words in the box, nothing will happen, you won’t find what you are looking for. However, if you type just one word that you need, maybe you find your wanted results. I typed busty and I still didn’t get any results, so I guess the search engine is not handy at all. But you have all the tags, so why not use that instead? At least they have tags, but I wish there were more of them as well.
What I really like about the site is that you can find some lengthy videos here, even though you usually can’t on free sites like this one. When I was exploring the site, I saw videos that lasted for 30 minutes and more, which means you can have long videos for your fabulous fap sesh. And no matter how long or short the videos are, they are high-quality, but you won’t have any trouble streaming them fast. This is something I can’t complain about.
Also, if you want to download the content from FapXL, you can easily do it because the downloads are available. I saw somewhere that the site has approximately 2500 videos. I am not sure if this info is correct and valid, especially since some of these tabs only have a few dozens of videos, but if the site really has this many of them, it’s not a bad number at all. And the best part is that you can download them all, in HD. This way you will be able to watch the videos wherever you go.
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So, I think I pretty much told you everything that’s important when it comes to this site. It’s a cool little site with a nice design and everything you need at your disposal. You have videos and categories, and you can download anything you want. It’s pretty cool. Nothing here is difficult to find, but their search engine doesn’t really work. It’s not good even if you type a word like busty, which is absurd considering there are many titles with this word in them. But I think you will like the site anyway. Check it out and find what you need!